2025 Legislative Priorities
Child Well-Being
Climate, Environment, Infrastructure
Strategic Water Supply
- The Strategic Water Supply (SWS) will address growing water challenges by reducing demand for freshwater as communities grow their local economies and New Mexico advances the clean energy transition. We will leave the freshwater for people, farms and nature.
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- View House Bill 137
State Transportation Commission Bonding Authority
- House Bill 145 would allow the State Transportation Commission to borrow up to $1.5 billion through bonds to fund highway projects.
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Oil & Gas Transfer Rulemaking
- House Bill 257 strengthens New Mexico’s oversight of oil and gas well transfers, ensuring wells change hands only between responsible operators to protect environmental interests and shield taxpayers from abandoned well risks.
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Natural Gas Capture Requirements
- House Bill 258 adds a new addition to the Oil and Gas Act establishing requirements for oil and gas operators inNew Mexico to capture 98% of the natural gas produced or gathered by their facilities eachyear starting January 1, 2027.
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Cradle to Career
Early Childhood Trust Fund Constitutional Amendment (CA) and Early Childhood Trust Fund CA
- SJR6 will send a proposed constitutional amendment to New Mexico voters to constitutionally protect the Early Childhood Education and Care Fund by placing the fund in the New Mexico constitution as the Early Childhood Trust Fund (ECTF).
- SB167 supports SJR6 by amending statutes related to the Early Childhood Education and Care Fund to ensure they are consistent with the constitutional protection for the ECTF proposed by SJR6.
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- View Senate Joint Resolution 6 and View Senate Bill 167
Office of Special Education
- Establishing the Office of Special Education in statute will help ensure that students with disabilities and their families receive the support they need to access the best possible education and succeed in school and life.
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- View Senate Bill 38
Advancing the Science of Reading Act
- The Advancing the Science of Reading Act requires New Mexico’s Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) to incorporate science of reading instruction, utilize high-quality instructional materials, and eliminate discredited balanced literacy teaching practices.
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- View Senate Bill 242
Early Childhood Ed. and Care Fund Transfer Increase
- HB71 increases the annual distribution from the Early Childhood Education and Care Fund, commonly referred to as the Early Childhood Trust Fund (ECTF), to the greater of $500 million or five percent of the ECTF’s three-year average market value.
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- View House Bill 71
Economic Development
Quantum Facility Infrastructure Tax Credit
- Senate Bill 211 establishes two new tax credits—the quantum facility infrastructure income tax credit for individuals and the quantum facility infrastructure corporate income tax credit for corporations—to support and increase investment in quantum technology infrastructure.
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Quantum Testing & Evaluation GRT Credit
- Senate Bill 212 establishes the quantum testing and evaluation gross receipts tax credit, allowing national laboratories in New Mexico to claim a tax credit against their state gross receipts tax liability for federally funded quantum research, testing, and device fabrication.
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- View SB 212
General Services
State Office of Housing Planning & Production
- Senate Bill 205 creates an Office of Housing Planning and Production in New Mexico to address the state’s critical housing challenges by lowering housing costs, supporting local governments, providing technical assistance, and gathering data to track progress in eliminating the housing shortage.
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- View Senate Bill 205
Public Safety – Firearms/Gun Package
Criminal Competency & Treatment
- House Bill 4 significantly rewrites sections of the Criminal Code related to criminal competency,
establishing a detailed flowchart outlining the court’s actions regarding determination, commitment,
and treatment. The bill also broadens the range of crimes for which a defendant may be criminally
committed. - Download more information
- View House Bill 4
Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Changes
- House Bill 12 makes two significant amendments to the Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order (ERPO) Act. First, it eliminates ambiguity by explicitly authorizing police officers to file petitions. Second, it removes the current 48-hour waiting period for firearm relinquishment after an order is received, addressing concerns that this delay could create unnecessary risks and hamper effective response to potential dangers.
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Possession of Weapon Conversion Device
- House Bill 38 would make it illegal to possess or transport weapon conversion devices in our state. Knowingly having or moving these devices would become a third-degree felony, punishable by up to three years in prison and $5,000 in fines. The bill aims to prevent illegal firearm modifications by creating a new criminal offense: “unlawful possession of a weapon conversion device.”
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Juvenile Record in Firearm Background Checks
- House Bill 39 is designed to expand the consideration of juvenile records when it comes to adult firearm possession and background checks. In essence, the bill closes a gap by ensuring that serious juvenile offenses involving firearms are considered when assessing an individual’s eligibility to possess a firearm as an adult, for a certain amount of time. This is intended to prevent individuals, with a history of violent behavior as juveniles, from legally obtaining firearms in the future.
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- View House Bill 39
Public Safety – Other
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