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Boards and Commissions


Candidates Wanted

Public service volunteers are needed to fill New Mexico Board and Commission Positions.

Is public service your passion? Have you wanted to get involved, but did not know how? This is a wonderful opportunity for residents throughout New Mexico to learn about the various functions of state government as well as give back to the community. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham needs your experience, talent and time!

The Governor’s Office is currently seeking members for the following Boards:

  • Adult Parole Board
  • Athletic Trainer Practice Board (public member, must reside south of I-40)
  • Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (two public members)
  • Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists (master barber, hair stylist, and two public member positions)
  • Board of Body Art Practitioners (public member)
  • Board of Nursing (public member who does not reside in Bernalillo County)
  • Board of Nursing Home Administrators (one professional member and one public member)
  • Board of Optometry (public member)
  • Board of Veterinary Medicine (professional member and public member)
  • Children’s Trust Fund Board of Trustees
  • Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons (parent of deaf or hard of hearing child)
  • Human Rights Commission (Republican/Independent/DTS)
  • Law Enforcement Certification Board (Republican/Independent/DTS retired district judge)
  • Massage Therapy Board (public member)
  • Municipal Boundary Commission (three public members, one of whom must be a licensed attorney)
  • New Mexico Athletic Commission (Republican/Independent/DTS with experienced in professional sports)
  • Physical Therapy Board (public member)
  • Speech Language Pathology Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Board (otolaryngologist)
  • State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors (public member)
  • Substitute Care Advisory Council (public member, 18-30 years old who was previously in substitute care)
  • Technology Research Collaborative (public member)
  • Uniform Law Commission (public member who is a member of the NM Bar Association)

The majority of the boards meet quarterly. Interested persons should submit their information, including a resume and letter of interest, using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member on any of the Boards or Commissions listed above?

Thank you for you interest in appointment as a member to a Board or Commission in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Law Enforcement Certification Board

Law Enforcement Certification Board

The Board shall have 11 members who are appointed by the Governor on a bipartisan basis. The Board is responsible for – among other duties – denying, suspending, and revoking certifications of peace officers and telecommunicators and shall conduct investigations to make such determinations.

The Governor seeks to appoint a chair for the Board who meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be Republican or Independent;  and
  2. Must be a retired district judge.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as chair of the Law Enforcement Certification Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Law Enforcement Certification Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Human Rights Commission

Human Rights Commission

The Human Rights Commission consists of eleven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the New Mexico Senate. Not more than six of the members shall be from the same political party and not more than one member may be appointed from one county.

The Governor seeks to appoint three members who meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be Republican, Independent, or Decline to State;  and
  2. Does not reside in the following Counties:
    • Bernalillo
    • Chaves
    • Dona Ana
    • McKinley
    • Otero
    • Sandoval
    • San Juan
    • Taos

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Human Rights Commission?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Human Rights Commission in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Serve New Mexico Commission

Serve New Mexico Commission

The Commission shall have a minimum member of not less than 15 members and no more than 25 members who are appointed by the Governor on a bipartisan basis.  The Governor seeks to appoint six members who meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be Republican or Independent;  and
  2. Must fall in one of the following designations:
    1. Representative of a local labor organization in the State;
    2. An individual between the ages of 16 and 25, inclusive, who is a participant or supervisor of a service program for school-age youth, or of a campus-based or national service program;
    3. Representative of a national service program;
    4. Representative of business;
    5. An individual with experience in education, training, and development needs of youth, particularly disadvantaged youth; or
    6. An individual with experience in promoting the involvement of older adults (age 55 and order) in service and volunteerism.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of Serve New Mexico?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to Serve New Mexico in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Technology Research Collaborative

Technology Research Collaborative

The purpose of the Technology Research Collaborative is to 1) establish advanced technology centers based on the wealth of scientific and technical talent that exists in member institutions; 2) develop and create new intellectual property for the state, encourage new opportunities for business and increase jobs; 3) commercialize the intellectual property that is created; and 4) create a workforce to support enterprises based on the intellectual property that is created.

The Governor seeks to appoint one public member to serve on the Technology Research Collaborative. The positions require confirmation by the New Mexico Senate. Applicants must be willing and able to attend confirmation hearings before the Senate Rules Committee on short notice.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Technology Research Collaborative?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Technology Research Collaborative in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


State Rehabilitation Council

State Rehabilitation Council

The purpose of the Council is to review, analyze and advise the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, regarding all rehabilitation programs and policies administered by NMDVR under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

The Governor seeks to appoint four individuals who meet either of the following criteria to serve on the State Rehabilitation Council:

  1. Three persons who are representatives of of business, industry, and labor; and
  2. A current or former applicant for, or recipient of vocational rehabilitation services.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the State Rehabilitation Council?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the State Rehabilitation Council in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Adult Parole Board

Adult Parole Board

The Adult Parole Board consists of fifteen members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the New Mexico Senate. Members of the Adult Parole Board shall be persons qualified by academic training or professional experience as is deemed to render them fit to serve as members of the Board. No member shall be an official or employee of any other federal, state, or local government entity.

The Governor seeks to appoint three public members to the Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Adult Parole Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Adult Parole Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Statewide Independent Living Council

Statewide Independent Living Council

The New Mexico Statewide Independent Living Council (NM SILC) is a statewide catalyst, promoting independent living. NM SILC is one of the federally mandated SILCs covering every state and territory of the US. It is authorized under Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. The mission of the NM SILC includes a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access and individual and system advocacy, in order to maximize opportunities for individual with disabilities, and the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of society.

The Governor seeks to appoint individuals who meet any of the following criteria to serve on the Statewide Independent Living Council:

  • Individuals with disabilities;
  • Parents or guardians of family members with disabilities; or
  • A representative of a director of a center for independent living located on a federal or state reservation.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Statewide Independent Living Council?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Statewide Independent Living Council in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Board of Nursing Home Administrators

Board of Nursing Home Administrators

The Nursing Home Administrators Board is created to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by providing laws and regulations to govern the practice of nursing home administration and protect the citizens of New Mexico from unprofessional, unscrupulous, or incompetent nursing home facility administrators.

The Nursing Home Administrators Board qualifies candidates for licensure and recommends the candidates to the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators (NAB) who administers a national standards exam. The exam tests to ensure that NHAs are at least minimally competent to practice nursing home administration.

The Board consists of seven members appointed by the Governor, three of whom are nursing home administrators, one of whom is a practicing physician, and three of whom are members of the public with no significant financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the nursing home industry.

The Governor seeks to appoint one nursing home administrator and one public member to the Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a professional member of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Board of Optometry

Board of Optometry

The Board of Optometry consists of six members, four persons who have been residents of New Mexico for at least five years and have been continuously engaged in the practice of optometry, appointed from a list of five names for each vacancy from the state optometric association. The remaining two persons represent the public.

The Governor seeks to appoint a public member to the Board. Interested persons shall not have been licensed as optometrists, nor shall the public members have any significant interest, whether direct or indirect, in the occupation regulated.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a public member of the Board of Optometry?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Board of Optometry in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Board of Trustees of the Miners' Hospital of New Mexico

Board of Trustees of the Miners’ Hospital of New Mexico

The Board is charged with supervising and controlling all functions of the operation and management of the Miners’ Hospital of New Mexico.

The Board of Trustees of the Miners’ Hospital of New Mexico shall consist of five members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. One member of the Board shall be a licensed physician, two members shall be miners or their representatives, and two members shall be members of the general public.

The Governor seeks to appoint a a miner or representative of miners to the Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Miners' Hospital of New Mexico?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Board of Trustees for the Miners’ Hospital of New Mexico in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


New Mexico Home Inspectors Board

New Mexico Home Inspectors Board

The Board is charged with the responsibility of protecting the public trust in the profession by adopting rules that regulate the practice, and by conducting disciplinary proceedings and taking action against individuals who violate these rules and laws.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor who have been residents of New Mexico for at least three consecutive years immediately prior to appointment. Three members shall be home inspectors, one member shall be a real estate qualifying or associate broker, and one member a member of the general public. No more than one member shall be a resident of any one county in the state.

The Governor seeks to appoint a licensed home inspector to the Board who is not a resident of Santa Fe County, Bernalillo County, Taos County, Sierra County, or Chaves County.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a professional member of the New Mexico Home Inspectors Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the New Mexico Home Inspectors Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Massage Therapy Board

Massage Therapy Board

The Massage Therapy Board oversees the practice of individuals who use the title of massage therapists or otherwise represent themselves to be massage therapists, and massage therapy schools. Massage therapy is a health care service that treats soft body tissue for therapeutic purposes, primarily for comfort and relief of pain. Massage therapy does not include the diagnosis or treatment of illness or disease. The Board ensures professionals in this industry are qualified by setting educational and continued educational standards.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor who are New Mexico residents. Three members of the board shall be massage therapists and two members shall be public members who have not been licensed and have no financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the profession of massage therapy. 

The Governor seeks to appoint one public member to the Massage Therapy Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a public member of the Massage Therapy Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Massage Therapy Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Physical Therapy Board

Physical Therapy Board

The Physical Therapy Board actively promotes, regulates, and protects the health of all stakeholders in New Mexico through effectve oversight of the profession of physical therapy, including all aspects related to licensure, revision of the rules and regulations, and promoting the public’s best interest for those services it seeks.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor who are New Mexico residents. Three members must be physical therapists who possess unrestricted licenses and have ben practicing in New Mexico for at least five years. Two members shall be members of the general public and shall not have any significant financial interest, either direct or indirect, in any health care profession.

The Governor seeks to appoint one public member to the Physical Therapy Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a public member of the Physical Therapy Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Physical Therapy Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board

Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board

The Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board licenses dietitians and nutritionists. The Board sets educational and professional requirements to issue and renew licenses; investigates complaints from the public about unprofessional or unethical conduct; and takes disciplinary action when required.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor who are New Mexico residents. Three members must be licensed dietitians or nutritionists with at least three years of practice. Two members shall be members of the general public.

The Governor seeks to appoint one licensed dietitian or nutritionist to the Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a professional member of the Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Children's Trust Fund Board of Trustees

Children’s Trust Fund Board of Trustees

Founded in 1985, the purpose of the Children’s Trust Fund is to increase access to innovative service that strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect.

The Board consists of thirteen members appointed by the Governor who are New Mexico residents. Members shall be knowledgeable in the area of children’s programs and representative of multiple, diverse perspectives within the state, who shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

The Governor seeks to appoint one member to the Children’s Trust Fund.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a member of the Children's Trust Fund?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Children’s Trust Fund in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists

Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists

The Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists consists of seven members. Of the seven members of the board, five shall be licensed pursuant to the Barbers and Cosmetologists Act and shall have at least five years practical experience in their respective occupations. Of those five, one member shall be a licensed barber, one shall be a licensed hairstylist, two members shall be licensed cosmetologists, and one member shall represent school owners. Two members shall represent the public.

The Governor seeks to appoint a master barber, a hair stylist, and a public member to the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. Neither the public member nor their spouse shall have ever been licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Barbers and Cosmetologists Act or have a financial interest in a school or establishment.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a professional or public member of the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.


Athletic Trainer Practice Board

Athletic Trainer Practice Board

The Athletic Trainer Practice Board consists of five members who are citizens of the United States. Three of the members shall be athletic trainers. Two members shall represent the public and shall not have a financial interest in the occupation regulated.

The Governor seeks to appoint one public member who resides south of I-40.

Interested persons should apply using the link below.

Do you want to serve as a public member of the Athletic Trainer Practice Board?

Thank you for you interest in appointment to the Athletic Trainer Practice Board in the Lujan Grisham Administration. Click here to complete the application and submit it along with the supporting material.

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Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and her staff welcome your comments and concerns.

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The Office of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is located on the fourth floor of the New Mexico State Capitol in Room 400.

490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Phone: (505) 476-2200
Toll free: (833) 520-0020

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